Social Runs & Membership
Alongside our events, Coffs Trail Runners Inc. also organise regular social runs exploring the Coffs Coast over a variety of terrain and distances.
Runners from all levels are welcome with our social runs having a range of paces, catering from beginner to advanced runners.
All our social runs are covered by Public Liability insurance for the Committee only. This does not include Personal Accident Insurance.
To join our social runs, you must become a member. Membership is donation-based and is easy to sign up.
Our social runs are posted in our Facebook Group.
Weekly Thursday Runs
For the past two years, we have met each Thursday evening at 5:30pm for a social run.
We meet at Coffs Harbour Yacht Club for a 6.5km social run around the beautiful jetty foreshores.
There is usually 15-30 of us so come along and meet like minded people.
We have a social run and chat with an optional beer afterwards at Coffs Harbour Yacht Club.
Weekend Adventure Runs
We have a weekend social runs, about once a months, on some of the best trails on the Coffs Coast.
While these range in difficulty, we do best to ensure there are options for all fitness levels.
These usually includes runs out to scenic lookouts, waterfalls or training runs for specific events.
Details of our weekend adventure runs are posted in our Facebook Group.
Coffs Coast Runs
Previously organised by WRATS and Steel Beveridge, Coffs Coast Runs are a series of long distance untimed and unmarked runs.
These runs are now organised as training runs by Coffs Trail Runners and covered by our Public Liability Insurance.
These runs have deep history and require a degree of self-sufficiency to complete them.
Pub to Pub
Pub to Pub is a 29km run between two pubs – the Golden Dog at Glenreagh to the Amble Inn at Corindi.
The route follows the hilly and mostly gravel Sherwood Creek Road.
The unofficial Pub to Pub will be on Sunday 5th January 2025 starting at 6:00am from the Golden Dog at Glenreagh.
Bush to Beach
Bush to Beach is a 29km run between Nana Glen and Woolgoolga over the Sherwood Escarpment.
The route follows the hilly forest roads in Sherwood Nature Reserve and finishes at Woolgoolga Woolworths.
The unofficial Pub to Pub will be on Sunday 26th January 2025 starting at 6:00am from Nana Glen Equestrian Centre.
Great Ocean Run
The Great Ocean Run from is an iconic 45km beach run with a deep history, traversing 5 creek crossings and 10 headlands on a journey from Red Rock to the picturesque Coffs Jetty.
The course follows for the most part the marked Solitary Islands Coastal Walk.
In general, this run is mostly flat sand running with intermittent headlands for 30km, followed by a creek crossing, soft beaches, steeper headlands and footpaths for the last 15km.
The unofficial Great Ocean Run will be on Sunday 18th May 2025 starting at 6:00am.
Heartbreak Half
Heartbreak Half is a 23km run from Woolgoolga Woolworths up into Sherwood Nature Reserve.
The out and back route follows Woolgoolga Creek Road and up Gentle Annie Road, past the Widowmaker before turning around at Plum Pudding Road junction.
The unofficial Heartbreak Half will be on Sunday TBC December 2025 starting at 6:00am from Woolgoolga Woolworths.